Loving this Army life

5 months already?!?



This little guy is 5 months old today! Where has the time gone?! Here are some highlights from the last month:

-Started to roll over like a champ!

-Slept four nights in a row before daylight savings time came in and screwed it all up…

-Smiles 90% of the time

-Starting to not like being in the carseat anymore but will calm down when he hears the “Jimmies” cd!

-Drools like crazy

-Loves to play with toys for a short period of time. He loves his “keys”

-He plays a game of “Where’s Vander?” with me in the mirror. He loves to find his face in the mirror!

-He is obsessed with my phone and will promptly stop what he is doing (that made me video/take a picture in the first place) and will just stare at the phone.

-Still incredibly happy and an easy baby!!

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